Rabu, 03 November 2010

Blekko.com New Search Engine Professional

Blekko.com new search engine full fitur blekko, review blekko vs google search engine toolsCompetition on the Internet every day more and more, as well as your search engine competition. There are competitors in the world of information search engine has now been increased by one. Google remains a search engine entrepreneur with over 65 percent in the realm of search sites, followed by Yahoo's search, Bing from Microsoft and another Blekko.

Despite being a newcomer to the realm of search engines, Blekko headquartered in Silicon Valley, California is optimistic that can compete with giant companies with a unique search engine.

According to Rich Skrenta, founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Blekko, online search will show results more clean from spam and websites that are guaranteed safe to visit.

After 2.5 years in the beta test phase, now Blekko can be use the search engine users, by visiting blekko.com address. To build systems that search, Blekko been drained of funds up to U.S. $ 24 million from various investors, including Marc Andreessen, a creator of the first web browser, and Ron Conway, who has invested in various technology companies including Twitter, Foursquare, even google.

Blekko site has several special directories, namely health, recipes, song lyrics, hotels, cars, college, and financial. On the site, users can also create their own personal directory for any topic.

Slashtag feature is the latest tool to filter the search results on Blekko said. Instead of searching all over the web, allowing slashtag search is only performed on the desired site only, so the information will be more relevant. Therefore Blekko bold promises of transparency and data search rankings site's rankings for a particular query that is not owned by other search engines.

In a statement, Google Inc.. say welcome competition in the realm of search engines with existing services and new entrants. "Having a competitor will make us work harder," said Google.

Interested to try Blekko? Just visit the address on www.blekko.com

1 komentar:

  1. makasih atas kunjungannya master.... sudah diperbaiki... dofollownya silahkan di cekdot...satu lagi kalo boleh minta... tukeran linknya. linknya master sudah di tampilkan di sidebar silahkan dicek. ditunggu kelanjutannya... :)
