Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Scor Hasil Pertandingan Persija Vs Persipura 31 Maret

Skor Hasil Pertandingan ISL Persija Vs Persipura Video Youtube Gol Persija PersipuraSebuah pertandingan Big Math ISL antara Persija Vs Persipura menjadi pertandingan yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh pecinta sepakbola Indonesia. Yang gak sempat nonton pertandingan sepakbola antara Persija melawan Persipura 31 Maret 2011, ini saya berikan beberapa previewnya hasil skor pertandingan Persija Vs Persipura 31 Maret 2011. Sukses Persipura menahan imbang tuan rumah Persija tak lepas dari pertahanan mereka yang solid. Serangan Persija selalu bisa dipatahkan. Persipura hanya sesekali melakukan serangan balik cepat yang dimotori Boaz Salosa. Menit 18 misalnya, kerjasama satu dua antara Zan Rahan dan Boaz membuat pertahanan Persija terkecoh. Sayang, tendangan Boaz terlalu lemah sehingga dapat diantisipasi kiper Persija, Hendro Kartiko.

Mulai dipertengahan babak pertama, Para pemain Persipura mulai menguasai permainan bahkan kerap melancarkan serangan berbahaya. Terbukti Boaz kembali mendapat peluang di menit 34. Namun sayang sekali, bola tendangan kerasnya membentur mistar gawang.

Di babak kedua, pertandingan semakin memanas, kedua kesebelasan bermain dalam tempo tinggi. Persipura terlihat menguasai serangan dan hasilnya pada menit 49, Titus Bonai berhasil mencetak gol ke gawang Persija yang dikawal Hendro Kartiko. Skor pun berubah 1-0 untuk Persipura.

Berupaya mengejar defisit gol, pelatih Rahmad Darmawan memasukkan dua striker sekaligus yakni Bambang Pamungkas dan Aliyudin. Hasilnya, serangkan Persija lebih menggigit.

Menit 78, Persija memiliki peluang emas. Berawal dari umpan silang Agu Casmir dari sisi kanan, bola ditanduk Ambrizal ke arah tengah kotak penalti. Bola kemudian disambar Bepe. Namun, tendangan pemain timnas Indonesia itu masih bisa dihentikan Yoo Jae Hoon.

Gol yang ditunggu-tunggu ribuan Jackmania baru tercipta empat menit menjelang bubaran. Sepak pojok Ismed Sofyan disambut tandukan Agu Casmir dan sukses menjebol gawang Persipura. Skor 1-1 tak berubah hingga laga usai.

Hasil ini tak mengubah konfigurasi papan atas klasemen. Persupura masih kokoh di puncak dengan koleksi poin 41. Sementara Persija tertahan di tempat ketiga dengan nilai 33.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Kasus Melinda Dee Wanita Penipu Pembobol Bank Citibank 17 M

malinda citibank melinda penipu andika gumilang suami melinda dee penipu cantik citibankKaget.. bener-bener kaget, setelah Selly ditangkap karena kasus penipuannya, sekarang MD (Melinda Dee) atau Malinda Dee seorang wanita cantik, seksi, semok juga *katanya* tertangkap karena kasus penipuan juga.. Heran bener, kenapa wanita cantik jaman sekarang pada jadi penerus Gayus yach ??? apa teropsesi dengan aksi gayus ??

Baca sekilas tentang sepak terjang Melinda Dee ini sepertinya dia kelas Kakap.. bahkan arwanan, hehehhe. Melinda melakukan manipulasi data serta mengalihkan dana milik nasabah ke rekening dia sendiri, tak tanggung-tanggu dana yang ia sedot 17 M. Kasus ini muncul ke permukaan setelah nasabah melaporkan hal ini ke kantor polisi karena merasa dana yang dia simpan di bank berkurang

Kalau lihat fotonya, bikin gak bisa tidur gan.. nie lihat fotonya sendiri gan

malinda dee citibank kasus melinda suami malinda dee penipuan citibank
Foto seksi Melinda Dee Penipu Foto Wanita Penipu 17M Melinda Dee
md pembobol bank foto seksi pembobol bank
Gimana gan, gak usah terlena dengan fotonya soalnya orangnya bikin sengsaya gan.

Umar Patek Tertangkap di Pakistan

Kabar terbaru Umar Teroris Patek Tertangkap Foto Umar PatekBerita penangkapan Umar Patek, buronan yang dianggap teroris oleh Amerika Serikat menjadi bahan pembicaraan di kampus saya. Banyak para dosen yang membahas mengenai berita tentang buronan Amerika Serikat ini. Bahkan sebelum memulai materi perkuliahan ada salah satu dosen yang langsung ngomong Umar Patek Ditangkap, sontak seluruh mahasiswa kaget. Ah yang boneng pak ??

Nah setelah kuliah langsung saya cari-cari berita tentang dimana umar patek ditangkap. Ternyata Buronan Amerika Serikat, Umar Patek, tertangkap di Pakistan. Dua pejabat intelejen Filipina dan Indonesia telah mengkonfirmasi berita ini, Selasa malam.

Dengan tertangkapnya Umar Patek, berarti kini AS memegang dua pentolan jaringan teroris di Asia Tenggara. Selain Patek, yang mengomandoi Bom Bali I 2002, sudah ditangkap pula Hambali, yang mana penangkapan Hambali menjadi seperti sebuah skenario dari Amerika sendiri.

Hambali ditangkap di Ayutthaya, Thailand pada 13 Agustus 2003. Pria yang juga dikenal dengan nama Ridwan Isamuddin dan Encep Nurjaman itu kini ditahan di Penjara Guantanamo, Kuba, dan menunggu sidang di Washington DC, Amerika Serikat.

Namun bagaimana perlakuan Amerika Serikat terhadap Umar Patek, akan menjadi indikator kebijakan teroris yang di canangkan oleh Presiden Barack Obama. Sebab bila merunut kebijakan pendahulunya, George W Bush, maka Patek bisa jadi masuk ke Guantanamo. Namun Presiden AS sekarang, Obama sudah menyatakan akan menutup Guantanamo dan tidak berniat menambah narapidana terorisme lagi ke sana.

Pengaruh penangkapan Umar Patek terhadap Indonesia apa ?? gak ada.. Gula, Beras, Sembako gak bakalan turun.. jadi gak usah dibikin heboh.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Lirik Lagu Smash Senyum Semangat Terbaru

Download lagu MP3 Smash Senyum Semangat Lirik Lau Sm*sh Senyum SemangatTautanBoy Band Smash tentunya kamu sudah kenal dengan mereka, apalagi sekarang mereka sudah sering nongol di TV. Kalau kamu suka dan fans berat boy band Smash, nie aku kasih infor menarik buat kamu. Ngomong-ngomong Smash ngeluarin single terbaru mereka lagu yang berjudul Senyum Semangat merupakan lagu terbaru Smash saat ini. Nah untuk lirik lagu Smash Senyum Semangat dibawah ini..

Lirik Lagu Smash Senyum Semangat

Sempet ngerasa sedih karna sering di bully
Lelah jadinya malu karna dicibir mulu
Bukannya ku tak mendengar kata-kata yang kasar
Bukannya ku tak peduli semua caci dan maki

Senyumanku tak akan pernah luntur lagi singing all day long
Semangatku tak akan pernah patah lagi dancing all nigth long

Ga ada lagi keki
Ada kamu di hati
Hidup cuma sekali Marilah kita happy
Awalnya ku tak menyangka dapatkan senyum darimu
Akhirnya ku bahagia menari kita bersama

Senyumanku tak akan pernah luntur lagi singing all day long
Semangatku tak akan pernah patah lagi dancing all nigth long
Tak peduli ku di bully omongan lo gw beli
Cacian lo gw cuci dengan senyuman prestasi
Tak pernah ku malu karna cibiranmu
Ku jadikan motivasi untuk maju

Download SM*SH

Heboh Berita Jackie Chan Meninggal Dunia

Kabar berita terbaru Jackie Chan Meninggal Isu Kematian Jackie ChanLagi asik baca di forum detik, tiba-tiba salah satu teman ngajak chating di Facebook. Dan tiba-tiba tanya masalah berita kematian Jackie Chan. Haa... Jackie Chan meninggal ? ah yang bener ? saya kaget waktu dia tanya lewat Facebook. Berhubung waktu itu saya masih membuka forum detik, saya langsung browsing cari-cari berita tentang Jackie Chan meninggal dunia, dan saya menemukan sebuah postingan di forum detik tersebut berkaitan tentang kematian Jackie Chan.


Sebuah rumah sakit Los Angeles telah melaporkan bahwa Jackie Chan telah meninggal dunia. Aktor Hong Kong legendaris yang muncul di lebih dari 100 film meninggal tadi malam setelah serangan jantung. Dia mempromosikan film terbaru, '2 Kung Fu Panda'. Dokter mengatakan jadwal yang berat yang menyebabkan stres yang ekstrim dan menempatkan terlalu banyak tekanan pada hatinya. Chan dijadwalkan untuk terbang ke Hong Kong hari ini untuk mulai syuting pada film berikutnya '1911 '.

Keluarga aktor belum mengeluarkan pernyataan berkaitan dengan berlalunya aktor yang benar-benar luar biasa yang meninggal pada usia muda 56. Fans menyerbu agar setelah konfirmasi kematiannya datang melalui sebuah sumber yang dekat dengan Chan. Beberapa selebriti juga diposting upeti pribadi mereka melalui face book. Will Smith; "Seorang aktor yang luar biasa, dia akan selamanya tidak terjawab dan selalu dalam hati kita. RIP Jackie. x "

Bahkan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama meletakkan sebuah penghargaan pribadi kepada seniman bela diri berkata: "Jackie Chan adalah orang yang bisa berbicara melalui bakat, ia adalah pengingat dari kekuatan kemanusiaan. Dia selamanya akan berada di hati kita, inspirasi sejati yang mengilhami banyak generasi. Pertama itu Nate Dogg maka itu Jackie Chan. "

MTV akan mengadakan peringatan khusus untuk Chan pada hari Jumat.

Saya sendiri kurang bisa menerima berita tersebut, dikarenakan ketika mencari info di portal-portal china, isu Jackie Chan Meninggal belum terlalu rame. Apa mungkin ini berita bohong ?

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Daftar Rincian Kenaikan Gaji PNS 2011

PP RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2011 Kabar Kenaikan Gaji PNS terbaruPegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) sepertinya semakin tersenyum lebar karena makin hari pemerintah Indonesia menaikkan gaji para PNS sekitar 10-15 persen tahun 2011 ini.. wow banyak amat yach.. Dasar kenaikan gaji PNS ternyata sudah tercantum secara resmi dalam Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2011 tentang Perubahan Ketigabelas atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 1977 Tentang Peraturan Gaji Pegawai Negeri Sipil.

Pantas saja semakin tahun, minat masyarakat untuk menjadi seorang PNS sangat tinggi, berbagai cara mereka tempuh. Dari yang halal-samar-sampai yang haram pun mereka tempuh untuk mempunyai embel-embel PNS. Selain gaji pokok, PNS juga menerima tunjangan lainnya seperti tunjangan fungsional, tunjangan jabatan, bahkan tunjangan kinerja yang nilainya melebihi gaji pokok. Tunjangan kinerja ini terutama didapatkan pegawai yang bekerja di kementerian yang telah disetujui pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi-nya.

Menurut Dirjen Perbendaharaan, Agus Supriyanto, tunjangan struktural yang diterima mencapai Rp6 juta untuk eselon I. Total untuk golongan IV e atau setingkat wakil menteri keuangan dapat membawa pulang gaji Rp40 juta.

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Pegawai Golongan II a dengan masa kerja 21 tahun Rp2.004.900
Pegawai Golongan II a dengan masa kerja 33 tahun Rp2.361.400

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Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

UAE Condemns Procrastination of Israel

WAM Geneva, 23 March 2011 (WAM) -- The United Arab Emirates condemns the procrastination of Israel and manipulation of the international community which was trying to create it accountable for crimes it committed,UAE Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Obaid Salim Al-Za'abi said.

''Despite the many resolutions by this Council, the United Nations Security Council along with other bodies, the situation in Palestine was deteriorating,'' Al Za'abi told the 16th session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva; on the general debate on the human rights scenario in Palestine along with other Occupied Arab Territories: ''The United Arab Emirates requested the international community to compel Israel to implement the recommendations of the fact-finding mission into the incident on the humanitarian flotilla. Concerning the report of the Committee of Independent Specialists, the United Arab Emirates known as on the Council to compel Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza, quit with the illegal settlements, and withdraw from East Jerusalem and from the occupied Syrian Golan,''he added.

The Human Rights Council held the general debate after the High Commissioner for Human Rights presented reports on the subject.

Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights, presented reports to the Human Rights Council which concerned the human rights scenario in Palestine along with other occupied Arab territories.

Throughout the general debate speakers said that the Middle East and the world had been witnessing an essential transformation with potentially historic consequences. The question that everybody outside the Council was asking was whether or not the winds of change would also blow in Israel and also the Occupied Palestinian Territories, injecting the a lot required oxygen and energy to the efforts to achieve, at long last, a just and comprehensive peace, or would this conflict continue to defy the lessons of history, humanity and international law.

Within the last 43 years, Israel had pursued a policy of wanton repression in the Occupied Palestinian Territories through the disproportionate use of force, the deliberate destruction of infrastructure, the killing of civilians and illegal settlement activities that could only be described as a manifestation of state terrorism and crimes against humanity. Other speakers noted the significance of the right to self-determination and said that the international community should work to ensure the enjoyment of this right by the Palestinian people. Delegations also expressed concern about Israel's occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, the arrest and detention of Palestinian children by Israeli Defence Forces and also the demolition of Palestinian houses.

'Captain America': A different kind of superhero

captain america trailer, captain america the first avenger, thor, chris evans, capitan americaMoviegoers will see a various type of superhero in Captain America: The first Avenger when full-length trailers for the film premiere these days in theaters.

On the Captain America set in this city in northwestern England, which stands in for 1940s Brooklyn, weakling wannabe soldier Steve Rogers gets an injection that turns him into a brawny, herculean fighting machine. It's the birth of Captain America, played by Chris Evans.

"Steve has been dealt type of a lousy hand in life," Evans says. "He's 5-foot-nothing. He's 110 pounds. He's got a lot of ailments, but it hasn't made him bitter or jaded or anything. Even following he's given this fantastic gift, he still continues to do the proper factor, not to prove anything to anybody apart from himself. He just has this fantastic moral code."

The Marvel Comics character began in March 1941, prior to the USA entered World War II. "The initial cover issue of Cap punching Hitler was definitely a political statement," says producer Stephen Broussard (The Incredible Hulk). "Like today, the country was divided and there were individuals who thought we ought to go over there and do the proper factor, and there had been others who said it was Europe's war and to stay out of it."

The new film, set for release July 22, remains faithful to that origin. Cap's first assignment from the U.S. government would be to be the centerpiece in a traveling stage show, raising morale and money within the form of war bonds.

Eventually, he finds he has to break off on his own to fight the German menace - especially a harmful new foe played by The Matrix's Hugo Weaving, a Nazi technology officer known as the Red Skull, the guinea pig for a similar super-soldier experiment gone awry.

"Captain America was invented essentially for American propaganda. I mean, who was going to be like, 'Nah, the Nazis, they were OK. They had a couple of (great suggestions)!' " Evans jokes.

"It's safe to say we can all agree it is pure evil, right there. So it's great to create a character of pure great, pure honesty and true morality, and say this is ultimate poor against ultimate great."

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

New Song Dierks Bentley, ‘Am I the Only One’ Info Music

Dierks Bentley Am I the Only One Song Lyrics Dierks Bentley Am I the Only One New SingleDierks Bentley tries to rally his lame buddies into party mode on his new song ‘Am I the Only 1.’ It is the first single from his upcoming sixth studio album, and putting it out on a Monday is really a really mean method to remind us all that the weekend couldn’t possibly be further away.

But the song’s a great time whatever day you’re listening to it, a rip-roaring singalong filled with snarling guitars and an very genial spirit. It opens with Bentley’s buddies all bowing out of the bar trip in favor of televised hockey, dates with the wives or, most disturbingly, sobriety. It’s sufficient to create a country star question the meaning of life, or a minimum of his value system:

“Am I the only one who wants to have enjoyable tonight / Is there anybody out there wants to have a cold beer and kick it to the morning light? / If I have to raise hell all by myself, I will but y’all, that ain’t right / Yeah it’s time to get it on / Am I the only 1 that wants to have fun tonight?”

Luckily, our hero’s sad solitude at the bar doesn’t last lengthy; he’s soon rescued by a “country cutie with a rock ‘n’ roll bootie” who fires up the band by buying them all shots, and then demands a dance partner.

Based on Bentley on his official website, the song is already a massive hit with concert audiences. “The song is already killing it out there,” he reports. “The fans are singing the second and third choruses with fists within the air. I decided to stage dive Saturday night, and by Sunday night in Pittsburgh the fans had been crowd surfing prior to I even hit the stage. They haven’t been shy about letting me know that I’m not the ‘only 1!’”

New Song Martina McBride, Teenage Daughters Lyrics and Video

Lirik Lagu Martina McBride Teenage Daughters Lyrics sing Album Youtube Video DownloadMartina McBride sings about the frustrations of becoming the parent of 'Teenage Daughters' on the lead single from her initial album in two years. McBride co-wrote the song with the Warren Brothers, and with 3 daughters ranging from age 5 to 16, the country music icon certainly brings her own personal encounter to the track.

Singing alongside a sunny acoustic guitar melody, McBride laments that her girls are obtaining older: "My baby's growin' up / She thinks she's fallin' all in adore and that I hate her / At 17, she's just like me when I was 17 / So I do not blame her."

Though soaring vocal ballads might be her calling card, McBride adds a hint of rock and roll raspiness to her delivery as the mid-tempo song builds to a climax that even functions an electric guitar solo.

McBride ends by repeating the first verse, leaving the listener with the tongue-in-cheek statement: "I ain't complaining, but I'm tired / So I'm just saying what I think / And if we're becoming honest and honestly / I believe I require a drink."

'Teenage Daughters' is 1 of eight songs McBride co-wrote for her eleventh studio album, which still does not have a title or confirmed release date. The singer announced today via Twitter that she will perform the song at the ACM Awards on April 3.

Martina McBride – Teenage Daughters Video

Martina McBride Teenage Daughters Lyrics

I ain’t complainin’
But I’m tired, so I’m just sayin’
What I think
And if we’re being honest
Than honestly I think I need a drink

My baby’s growin’ up
She think’s she’s fallin’ all in love
And that I hate her
At seventeen, she’s just like me when I was seventeen
So I don’t blame her

Do do do do
Do do do do
What are we gonna do?
Do do do do
Do do do do
What are we gonna do about it?

Remember when we use to be
Everything they ever need
We had them believing we were cool
It’s like it happened over night
We’re always wrong, their always right
We use to be the one’s breakin’ the rules
Now we’re just mothers, we’re just fathers of
Teenage Daughters

She rolls her eye’s when I’m funny
But she’s sweet when she wants money and her freedom
Oh my god, she’s got a car
Swears they wont go far
And I wish I believed ‘em



Their beautiful, wild and free
Everything we wish we could be
But their still crazy
Oh you know, the make us crazy


Yeah Teenage Daughters

I ain’t complainin’
But I’m just tired, so I’m sayin’
What I think
If we’re being honest
Than honestly, I think I need a drink

New Song Glee Cast, 'Trouty Mouth' Lyrics and Video

Pic of trouty mouth glee lyrics trouty mouth glee review new singleThe cast of 'Glee' has released however another original song called 'Trouty Mouth,' which was featured in the 'Original Songs' episode of the hit Fox series.

Santana, played by Naya Rivera, presents the jazz-inspired ditty to her New Directions crew following they make the decision to perform original material at Regionals. Every member of the group tries their hand at songwriting, but Santana serves her composition up having a side of ulterior motive.

'Trouty Mouth' is in reference to Sam, among the newest 'Glee' cast members, with whom she's having a superficial affair. Although her heart truly pines for Brittany, Naya sings the number as a way to distract from her heartache.

However, with lyrics like, "Trouty mouth, is that how people's lips look where you come from in the South?" it's clear that Santana isn't a born songwriter. Sam, whose prominent feature is often joked about on the show, isn't exactly turned on by the song either.

Santana continues: "Grouper mouth, froggy lips / I love sucking on those salamander lips / Want to put a fish hook in those lips so cherry red / If you tried hard sufficient, you could suck a baby's head."

You can't blame a girl for trying. New Directions are prepping for their appearance at Nationals, but new episodes of the show will not arrive until April 12. In the interim, listen to 'Trouty Mouth' on AOL Radio's 'Glee' Radio station.

Glee Cast - Trouty Mouth Video

Glee Cast - Trouty Mouth Lyrics

Guppy face, trouty mouth
Is that how people’s lips look where you come from in the South?

Grouper mouth, froggy lips
I love suckin’ on those salamander lips

Wanna put a fish hook in those lips so cherry red
If you tried hard enough you could suck a baby’s head

Oh yeah

Download Video

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Justin Bieber That Should Be Me Lyrics and Video

Pictures Justin Bieber That Should Be Me Download MP3That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber featuring Rascal Flatts, Music Lyrics and Video That Should Be Me is a single by Pop artist Justin Bieber featuring country music group Rascal Flatts. The song was released in March, 2011. The original version of “That Should Be Me” appears in Bieber’s “My World 2.0” album, and the revamped version is recorded for “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” soundtrack album. Of crossing genre from pop to country, he told ABC, “Music is music, and it’s a universal language. It doesn’t really matter what style, as long as it appeals to others and people like it, that’s all that really matters.”

Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me ft. Rascal Flatts Lyrics

Everybody’s laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading ’bout this other guy

Do you do what you did, what you did with me?
Does he love you the way I can?
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me?
‘Cause baby, I didn’t

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me

That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can’t go on
‘Til you believe that that should be me
That should be me

You said you needed a little time for my mistakes
It’s funny how you use that time to have me replaced
Did you think that I wouldn’t see you out at the movies?
Whatcha doing to me?

You’re taken’ him where we used to go
Now if you’re trying to break my heart
It’s working ’cause you know

That, that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me

That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can’t go on
‘Til you believe that should be me

I need to know should I fight for our love or disown?
It’s getting harder to shield this pain in my heart, ooh

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me

That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can’t go on
‘Til you believe that that should be me, ooh

Holding your hand, that should be me
The one making you laugh, oh baby
Oh, that should be me, yeah

That should be me, giving you flowers
That should be me, talking for hours
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me

Never should’ve let you go
I never should’ve let you go
That should be me
Never should’ve let you go
That should be me

Never should’ve let you go
Never should’ve let you go
That should be me

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

First Lady Michelle Obama Writing Book About Garden

First lady Michelle Obama Pictures First lady Michelle Obama PhotosFirst lady Michelle Obama planted her spring kitchen garden on Wednesday, as Crown announced that she will author a book about her signature project. Obama, who will have a ghostwriter help her, the Sun-Times was told, accepted no advance for the book, and the proceeds will go to charity.

Obama has spoken extensively about the garden on the South Lawn of the White House and will offer new material for the book, the Sun-Times was told.

The book - so far without a title - also will take a look at school, urban and community gardens across the country. Publication is set for April 2012 - throughout President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

The announcement of the book by Crown was made just after Obama’s planting event -the third season for the garden -timed to maximize free publicity.

Attorney Robert Barnett represented Obama in the negotiation; he also clinched book deals for President Obama. Crown is really a division of Random House Inc., and the company said a donation from the proceeds will be made to a charity, though the statement the business released did not say what percentage of profits would go to charity.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Harga Pertamax Naik Rp 600/liter Dari Pertamina

Harga Pertamax Naik Harga BBM naik Kenaikan Harga PertamaxBerita mengenai harga pertamax naik Rp 600/liter rupanya langsung mendapat sorotan media. Jagan kaget kalau harga jual bahan bakar non-subsidi terus meningkat. Pertengahan Maret ini, Pertamina kembali menaikkan harga jual pertamax dan pertamax plus di wilayah Jabodetabek berkisar Rp600/liter. “Kenaikan harga pertamax dan pertamax plus kali ini sangat jauh,” kata satu pengusaha SPBU/pom bensin, Selasa (15/3)

Bagi Anda yang tinggal di Jabotabek, yang punya mobil mewah yang pakai pertamax perlu Anda ketahui bersama karena sesuai surat edaran, harga jual pertamax yang semula Rp8.100 naik menjadi Rp8.700 atau naik Rp600/liter dibanding awal 1 Maret lalu. Demikian pula harga pertamax plus dari Rp8.550 naik menjadi Rp9.150/liter.

Akibat naiknya harga yang begitu tinggi, lanjut pengusaha tersebut, Pertamina harus menghitung secara seksama. Sehinga rencana kenaikan harga jual jenis pertamax yang biasanya diumumkan setiap tanggal 15 terpaksa ditunda sehari.

Dengan naiknya harga jual pertamax yang begitu tinggi, ia mengaku tidak mustahil pasokan BBM akan ditahan secara perlahan-lahan. Misalnya memperlambat pasokan BBM ke SPBU/pom bensin. “Terutama di SPBU/pom bensin yang ada di wilayah pinggir Jakarta.”

Lalu bagaimana dengan kota-kota besar lainnya ? apakah Harga Pertamax juga akan ikut naik di kota-kota yang lain di Indonesia ?

Kita tunggu saja kabar terbarunya dari pertamina.

Video Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan 2-3 Youtube

Liga Champion Video Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan 2-3 Youtube OnlineYang gak sempat nonton pertandingan Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan 15-3-2011 gak perlu cemas dan kecewa karena ada Video Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan 2-3 yang bisa Anda tonton di blog ini. Sedikit review saja kalau pertandingan Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan merupakan satu pertandingan sepakbola yang sangat menarik bagi saja karena pertidaningan 2 liga champion. Pertandingan Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan akhirnya inter milan dapat lolos ke babak selanjutnya setelah dapat mengalahkan munchen.

Dibabak pertama inter terlebih dahulu unggul lewat gol yang diciptakan oleh samuel eto'o namun bayern muncehen dengan cepat mampu membalikan keadaan di babak pertama ini dengan memasukan 2 gol ke gawang inter.Sehingga membuat munchen unggul dibabak pertama ini.

Setelah memasuki babak yang kedua interpun tidak menyerah dan akhirnya mampu menyamakan kedudukan yang di ciptakan oleh snieder sehingga hal ini membangkitkan kembali semangat inter untuk menjadi juara.Hal tersebut terbukti melalui gol pandev di menit-menit terakhir dan pertandingan pun berakhir dengan kemenangan yang di peroleh oleh Inter milan sehingga mereka dapat menlanjutkan ke babak selanjutnya yaitu perempat final.

Video Bayern Munchen vs Inter Milan 2-3 dari Youtube

Download Video

Mumford - Sons The Cave Lyrics and Video

Album Mumford & Sons The Cave Lyrics Lagu Mumford & SonsMumford & Sons The Cave Lyrics and Video. The Cave is the third single by London folk quartet, Mumford & Sons released from their debut album, “Sigh No More”. It was released in the UK on 1 March 2010. After it was performed at the 2011 Grammy Awards, “The Cave” exploded up the US iTunes charts, and reached #5.

The song was featured on a Lastminute.com advertisement and on the ITV World Cup 2010 coverage in England. It was also featured prominently in the pilot episode of the Fox Network’s new drama Lone Star.

Mumford & Sons - The Cave Lyrics

It’s empty in the valley of your heart
The sun, it rises slowly as you walk
Away from all the fears
And all the faults you’ve left behind

The harvest left no food for you to eat
You cannibal, you meat-eater, you see
But I have seen the same
I know the shame in your defeat

But I will hold on hope
And I won’t let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I’ll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I’ll know my name as it’s called again

Cause I have other things to fill my time
You take what is yours and I’ll take mine
Now let me at the truth
Which will refresh my broken mind

So tie me to a post and block my ears
I can see widows and orphans through my tears
I know my call despite my faults
And despite my growing fears

But I will hold on hope
And I won’t let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I’ll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I’ll know my name as it’s called again

So come out of your cave walking on your hands
And see the world hanging upside down
You can understand dependence
When you know the maker’s hand

So make your siren’s call
And sing all you want
I will not hear what you have to say

Cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how
To live my life as it’s meant to be

And I will hold on hope
And I won’t let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I’ll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I’ll know my name as it’s called again

Tag : Mumford & Sons The Cave Lyrics, Mumford & Sons The Cave Video, Mumford & Sons Lyrics The Cave Mumford & Sons The Cave Single

Eric Church Homeboy Lyrics and Video

Lagu Eric Church Homeboy Lyrics ImageEric Church Homeboy Lyrics and Video can you get on this blog, Homeboy is a new single by American country music singer and songwriter Eric Church, from his upcoming third studio album, which is due for release in late June. The single was released to country radio on February 14, and you can listen it below.

Homeboy Eric Church Lyrics

You were too bad for a little square town,
With your hip-hop hat and your pants on the ground,
Heard you cussed out mama, pushed daddy around
before you tore off in his car…

Here you are running these dirty old streets
Tattoo on your neck, fake gold on your teeth
Got the ‘hood here snowed, but you can’t fool me
We both know who you are

Homeboy, you’re gonna wish one day,
That you were sittin’ on a gate of a truck by the lake
With your high school flame on one side, ice cold beer on the other
Ain’t no shame in a blue collar forty, little house, little kid, little small town story
If you don’t ever do anything else for me, just do this for me brother,
Come on home, boy.

I was haulin’ this hay to Uncle Joe’s farm,
Thought of us barefoot kids in the yard,
Man, it seems we were just catchin’ snakes in the barn
Now you’re caught up in this mess
I could use a little help unloading these bales
I could keep you pretty busy with a hammer and nails
Ain’t a glamorous life but it will keep you outta jail,
Not worry us all to death

Homeboy, you’re gonna wish one day,
That you were sittin’ on a gate of a truck by the lake
With your high school flame on one side, ice cold beer on the other
Ain’t no shame in a blue collar forty, little house, little kid, little small town story
If you don’t ever do anything else for me, just do this for me brother,
come on home, boy,
Come on home, boy…

You can’t hold back the hands of time,
Mama’s goin’ grey, and so is daddy’s mind
I Wish you’d come on back and make it all right
Before they’re called home, boy…

Come on home, boy
Come on home, boy.

Tags : Eric Church Homeboy Lyrics Eric Church Homeboy Video Eric Church Lyrics Homeboy Lirik Lagu Eric Church Homeboy Single Eric Church Homeboy

Tips 7 Cara Mencari Celana Jeans

gambar model celana jeans terbaru jeans kesehatan wanitaModel celana Jeans memang sedah membudaya di Indonesia, begitu banyak orang yang menggunakan celana jeans untuk aktifitas sehari-hari baik itu di kantor maupun di rumah. Dan bahkan sekarang banyak orang yang menganggap celana jeans merupakan salah satu busana yang paling baik untuk dijadikan investasi. Begitu fleksibelnya celana jeans, satu celana jeans yang bagus dan kuat ternyata dapat dipadankan dengan beragam cara untuk ke acara bergaya semiformal dan kasual. Celana jeans yang kuat bisa kita kenakan untuk waktu lama, menjadikannya potongan busana yang baik untuk dijadikan investasi. Tetapi sayangnya, tak semua celana jeans tepat untuk kita. Terkadang ada celana jeans yang bagus dan harganya juga relatif mahal, kalau kita pakai malah membuat tidak PD atau terkesan kurang pas. Nah bagaimana caranya memilih celana jeans yang cocok untuk kita ? Begini tips memilih celana jeans yang tepat supaya tak menyesal dari Clinton Kelly, pembawa acara What Not to Wear.

1. Coba, coba, dan coba lagi
Jika Anda seperti perempuan kebanyakan, Anda pasti kesulitan mencari celana jeans yang tepat. Sebuah survei yang dilakukan oleh Motherboard Moms mengungkap, sekitar 70 persen respondennya mengatakan harus mencoba setidaknya 4 atau lebih celana jeans sebelum mendapatkan yang tepat biar tidak menyesal. Konsultan fashion dan pembawa acara What Not to Wear mengatakan, ada sebagian wanita yang perlu mencoba setidaknya 20 celana jeans. Tentu, mencoba celana adalah hal yang penting, tetapi yang perlu diingat, jangan malu untuk mencoba banyak celana.

2. Fokus pada ukuran, bukan label
Memilih celana jeans terkadang kita terpaku pada Merek Label, Anda kira merek celana tertentu akan memiliki jaminan bahwa setiap pembelinya akan menemukan kepuasan. Tidak selalu begitu. Anda bisa saja melihat celana pada model yang tubuhnya kira-kira setipe dengan bentuk tubuh Anda, dan label celana itu bilang tipe jenis tertentu cocok dengan jenis tubuh seperti apa, informasi itu cukup bagus, tetapi Anda tetap harus mencoba sebelum membeli. Karena, setiap pembuat celana memiliki definisi berbeda dalam mengartikan jenis-jenis celana, berikut dengan ukuran jahitannya, termasuk lebar dari bukaan pada bagian bawah celana boot cut yang melebar.

Sayangnya, saat ini tidak ada ukuran universal untuk diikuti oleh para desainer celana jeans. Anda bisa saja mengenakan ukuran 25 di satu merek, tetapi di merek lain Anda akan mengenakan ukuran 28. Jangan dipusingkan terlalu dalam mengenai ukuran itu. Ingat, perempuan memiliki rentang sekitar 3 ukuran dari satu ukuran ke ukuran dari merek berbeda. Saat ragu, bawalah sekitar 3 ukuran celana jeans berbeda saat mencoba di kamar pas.

3. Warna gelap
Ini adalah salah satu hal penting dalam memilih celana Jeans, celana jeans dengan warna biru gelap ternyata dipercaya akan membantu tampilan yang memakai lebih rapi dan elegan dari pada celana jeans biru terang. Warna yang bisa dengan mudah dipadankan dengan warna lain akan membuat Anda mudah berganti gaya dari siang ke malam hari hanya dengan mengganti atasan saja.

4. Waspadai detail
Sebelum Anda memilih celana jeans pilihan Anda coba Anda perhatikan detail yang ada pada celana Anda, terutama efek distress, seperti guratan-guratan putih pada paha, lutut, bokong, atau pinggul, akan menarik perhatian langsung pada daerah tersebut. Titik-titik berwarna pudar itu akan membuat bagian tersebut terlihat membesar. Jadi, hati-hati pilih celana jeans berdetail.

5. Celana "Mom's Jeans" bukan pilihan
Jika Anda yang cinta modif, perlu Anda cermati yang yang berikut ini. Celana berciri high-waisted, warna biru terang, bagian betis sedikit ketat, dan bagian paha serta bokong agak longgar adalah celana yang masuk dalam kategori "Mom's Jeans". Banyak wanita suka celana tipe ini karena bentuknya yang cukup luas. Bagian kancing pinggangnya lumayan tinggi dan besar di bagian bokong, sehingga bisa menutupi banyak bagian tubuh, tetapi yang jadi masalah, meski menutupi bagian tubuh, celana ini tidak memberi ilusi indah pada tubuh.

Saat mencari celana, pastikan Anda datang dengan pikiran positif. Ketahuilah, bentuk tubuh akan berubah menurut masanya. Jangan memandang buruk tubuh Anda hanya karena ukuran celana yang Anda miliki sudah tidak lagi sama seperti ukuran sebelum Anda melahirkan. Tubuh akan terus berubah. Terimalah, dan percayalah bahwa ada celana jeans yang sempurna untuk Anda.

6. Hindari wilayah remaja
Hanya karena Anda ingin menghindari "Mom's Jeans" bukan berarti Anda bisa mengenakan celana yang ditujukan untuk anak remaja. Anak remaja ada di masa eksperimen. Anak remaja dan menjelang dewasa adalah masa mencari jati diri dan gaya yang disukai. Meski Anda memiliki ukuran yang sama dengan anak remaja Anda, bukan berarti celana jeans trendi untuk remaja itu tepat untuk Anda. Mengenakan celana jeans untuk anak remaja hanya akan membuat Anda terlihat lebih tua. Lebih baik cari celana jeans yang modern, elegan, dan rapi.

7. Padankan dengan yang tepat
Celana jeans dengan sepatu kets seperti Converse memang terlihat klasik dan manis dikenakan mahasiswi-mahasiswi, tetapi jangan coba-coba memadankan celana jeans dengan sepatu olahraga (sneaker) untuk kegiatan harian. Alasannya? Karena Anda memberi kesan tidak berupaya untuk berdandan. Kelihatannya Anda hanya mencari jalan keluar termudah.

Perhatikan pula tipe celana jeans yang Anda kenakan, pastikan Anda selalu menggunakan celana dalam yang tepat, yang tidak akan "mengintip" di belakang Anda.

Dengan 7 tips memilih celana jeans diatas, saya harapkan Anda khususnya wanita dapat memilih celana jeans yang tepat, agar Anda tidak menyesal memakainya.

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Video Ledakan BOM Tangan Kasat Reskrim Putus

Kabar terbaru Video Ledakan BOM di Jakarta Pusat KorbanSalah seorang korban ledakan di Utan Kayu, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (15/3), adalah Kepala Satuan Reserse Kriminal Kepolisian Resor Jakarta Timur Komisaris Polisi Nicholas A. Lilipaly. Tangan kirinya putus.

Sementara tiga korban lainnya menderita luka di bagian mata. Keempat korban luka langsung dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Kini, telah dipasang garis polisi di lokasi ledakan di Kantor Berita Radio 68H.

Paket berisi benda, bom, itu meledak sekitar pukul 16.10 WIB. Empat korban terluka. Paket ditujukan untuk Ulil Abshar Abdalla, aktivis Jaringan Islam Liberal sekaligus salah satu Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Partai Demokrat.

Polisi masih berjaga-jaga di lokasi dan garis polisi sudah dipasang di lokasi kejadian. Akibat ledakan ini, tangan kiri Kasat Reskrim Polres Jakarta Timur Kompol Dodi Rahmawan putus dan dibawa ke RSCM

AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Update

AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 KeyKaspersky Internet Security 2011 + Update. Saya demen banget pakai Antivirus Kaspersky. Bermula dari hobi saya mencoba antivirus, walaupun antivirus yang saya coba adalah Antivirus Gratis Terbaik. Kaspersky sebagai salah satu Program Anti Virus kini makin meyakinkan dan terkenal ketangguhannya untuk melindungi komputer kita. Kaspersky dalam mengeluarkan produknya juga terbagi2 tergantung kebutuhan user. Kaspersky Internet Security lebih ditujukan untuk user (profesional) yang sering beraktivitas di internet, untuk mengamankan malicious code, adware, spyware, hacker attacks, dialers, spam and network fraud. Lalu ada Kaspersky Anti Virus, dan Kaspersky Mobile Security (untuk mobile).

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 kini hadir dengan tampilan yang baru, makin ringan dan mudah untuk digunakan. Selain ampuh untuk melindungi dan membasmi virus-virus, worms, trojan, adware, spyware, Pada KIS 2011 juga terdapat Online Security (Anti Pishing). Kemudian terdapat fitur “safer Wi-FI Connections” yang dapat mencegah orang lain menyusup ke komputer kita melalui jaringan Wi-Fi.

Jika Anda belum mempunyai AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security, silahkan dapatkan disini.

Selanjutnya Anda cari KEY nya.. gak usah bingung karena saya juga telah menyediakan AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security KEY yang bisa Anda dapatkan disini.

Tapi bagaimana jika KEY Kaspersky yang kamu peroleh kena Blacklis ? Tenang karena semua ada caranya, Kamu bisa lihat Kumpulan Key Kaspersky, ada untuk semua versi Kaspersky dari yang Kaspersky 7 sampai yang sekarang disini juga.

Tapi ada caranya kok agar Key Kaspersky tidak di Blacklist, yakni melalui Regedit....

Caranya Sebagai berikut :

  1. Buka KIS 2011, lalu matikan “Self Defense” ( Kaspersky - Setting - Service - Disable Self Defense ). abis tu exit KIS 2011.
  2. Buka Start:\Run\tulis di situ: “regedit” lalu tekan Enter.
  3. Abis itu pencet ctrl+f, tulis di situ “ProductStatus”. Setelah ketemu tekan Enter dan ganti valuenya dari “Release” menjadi “Beta”, lalu Enter lagi. exit regedit, abis tu jalanin lagi KIS 2011nya.
  4. Anda akan melihat tulisan “NOT FOR SALE”, tapi tenang, itu ngga’ papa.
  5. Abis tu aktifkan trial version, tapi delete dulu key yang sudah Anda pasang (jika sudah).
Nah, sekarang KIS 2011 Anda activated LIFETIME. Cuma tiap bulan Anda diminta mengaktifkannya. Tinggal activate trial …dan…… ACTIVATED. Siap pake, update, dst… tanpa perlu takut blacklist key. Belibet ? emang sedikit belibet, namanya juga pakai KEY.

Oke Biar Anda tidak bingung, coba perhatikan cara dibawah ini

Buka Program Kaspersky 2011, dan klik pada pilihan “License” yang terdapat di bahagian bawah

Update AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Key
Kemudian pilih pada pilihan “Activate New License“

Download AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Key
Selanjutnya akan muncul sebuah jendela baru, pilih pada pilihan “Activate Trial License” . Pada tahap ini anda harus mematikan koneksi internet anda. Ingat : Matikan Koneksi Internet Anda

AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Update
Maka muncul sebuah peringatan. Klik “OK”

Tips AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
Kemudian akan muncul sebuah tampilan baru. Disini Anda dapat Browse Key File. Gunakan Key File yang belum di Black List yang telah anda download.

AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Install
Finished. Kini Kaspersky 2010 anda sudah Full Versi

Key AntiVirus Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
Sulit ? memang kalau dilihat sepintas sulit dan membingungkan, akan tetapi kalau sudah dicoba ternyata mudah kok. Semoga berhasil.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Kim Kardashian Jam (Turn It Up) Lyrics and Video

Jam (Turn It Up) Lyrics Kim Kardashian Song Music CoverJam (Turn It Up) is a single by Kim Kardashian. It was first premiered on March 2, 2011 during On Air with Ryan Seacrest and was released for charity purposes, a portion of the proceeds from the sales of the song will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Kim confirmed that she will not be releasing any albums (thank God). The single made its television premiere during the March 6 episode of Kourtney and Kim Take New York.

Kim Kardashian - Jam (Turn It Up) Lyrics


Turn me on turn me up
Turn me turn me turn me up! yeah, yeah, yeah!
Turn me on turn me up
Turn me turn me turn me up! yeah, yeah, yeah!

I’m going out tonight
Going down
Heading straight to the final line
On the fly on the floor i can’t stay still
And i’m going to work like i’m playing my bills! bills!
My whole click is on the floor
We’re gonna party them
Party some more
Rose up in the air
Feeling good, feeling great

And they playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up

Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
So i can rock the night away, away!

I’mma burn it out tonight
It’s goin’ down
By live via satellite
And all i see is angels in my eyes
And the buzz got me way up in the sky
Maybach in the front (the front)
Pick out any boy that i want (i want)
DJ here i am
Feeling good, feeling great, just got paid

And they playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up

Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
So i can rock the night away, away!

Girls in the building
Fellas in the club
Boys spending money
Girls looking good.
I’m on the floor, living my life
Feeling so good, feeling so right!
Got my hands up,
Celebrate like it’s my birthday
Five more shots of tequila
I’m thirsty!
Feeling so good, i’m feeling so great

And they playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
They playn’ my jam
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up

Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
So i can rock the night away, away!
Turn me turn me turn me up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up
Turn it up turn it up

Student Loan Consolidation Programs

Why you should get with the program.

student loan consolidation programs are programs that are designed to be a student or former student to consolidate his government, federal and private student loans. Student loan consolidation programs help a student in the following way:

1 By consolidating student debt, student loan consolidation programs offer a hassle free way of paying student debt. After the debt consolidated, you only need to pay a bill for a student loan consolidation programs.

2 Student loan consolidation programs should help the student to get out of debt maintain communication with the students creditors to agree to pay the debt.

3 Student loan consolidation programs help students manage the monthly payments.

When you use a student loan consolidation programs, be careful not to consolidate your federal student loans with private student loans. Federal student loans offer tax deductible advantage whereas private student loans do not. If you combine two together in student loan consolidation programs, then you will lose the benefits of federal student loan.

student loan consolidation programs often offer very low interest rates, which means that it is consolidating your student loans using the student loan consolidation programs can save you money on your repayments.

student loan consolidation programs also often offer a longer repayment period, which means that your student loan repayments will be lower, because the longer repayment period, which may help to stress their own shoulders.

loans can be consolidated using a student loan consolidation programs are:

    All federal direct lending student loans.

    student loans for medical education assistance.

    subsidized federal student loans.

    private student loan taken from any authorized financial institution.

    unsubsidized federal student loans.

    additional Federal loans for students.

For more information, please visit http://www.consolidate-student-loans-consolidation.com for more information

Would You Like To Know What Student Loan Consolidation Rates Are?

Are you a career in mind student? The aim is to go for higher studies? But I can not go due to lack of money, do not worry, student loan consolidation will help you to go for higher studies.

A student can apply for online student loan consolidation, as there are various debt consolidation packages are present.

A student can save money by combining student loan debt into one loan with the help of student loan consolidation rates. This will reduce your interest rate and will save you time.

According to the Department of Education, students who have graduated or are still in school may consolidate their government-guaranteed loans - a step that opens the way to the groin, were stopped by high interest rates.

Now a student does not have to pay high interest rates on student loan consolidation, apply and enjoy the low prices.

student must check some points when he / she will be to sign the loan papers. Carefully examine each item was written on paper. Prepare your mind and about student loan consolidation rates.

If the burden of paying monthly bills are in the shoulder, but you can sign up for companies that are offering additional services regarding your requirements.

Consider some points for Student Loan Consolidation Plans

1st Give a thorough search before taking any decision on rates, student loan consolidation. Choose a lender that offers low monthly rates and provides good facilities.

2nd Try to get only student loan consolidation and for student loans have to pay differently to every loan provider. Student loan consolidation will take your all tensions in one package.

3rd These days, some federal consolidation loans have a fixed interest rate for the life of your student loan. It is best to do research to see what the best interest rate and period for which you qualify.

You can check online to calculate interest rates on new student loan consolidation rates based on your current student loans. You can then rounded to the nearest 1/8th percent of the weighted average interest rate on student loans right.

4th Federal consolidation rates can give you relief as you can extent your payment period to 30 years. So you can focus on your studies effectively and when you get a good job you can go back all the debts.

5th Student loan consolidation is also made ​​for school going students. That way you can get loans at low rates.

6th With the new student loan consolidation, You May be able to get much better interest rates. Interest rates are now at an all time low.

You May have been paying on debt you built up from several years ago, the high interest rates. Things change over time in the financial sector.

Using Consumer Debt Consolidation

Consumer debt consolidation services provide debtors with counseling on financial and debt management and credit education. They want to teach individuals how to better manage their money, living debt-free life and avoid bankruptcy. Bankruptcy chapter seven and debt settlement are two methods to eliminate accumulated debt. You'll reduce your overall debt and with a quick repayment. Contrary to settle the debt, though, in bankruptcy you appeal a judge to oversee the liquidation of its assets to pay its creditors. Usually, the borrower remains nothing more than any exempt property leaves nothing available to creditors. If you're considering bankruptcy to settle their outstanding debt loans, You May want to consider debt consolidation services instead of decrease. Such services can also help you avoid the embarrassment that comes with filing bankruptcy. Set the goal of removing your unsecured debt and look at consumer credit counseling and similar services, including debt consolidation services. Be sure to choose the right company, however, first be educated about how debt consolidation or credit agencies work.

debt consolidation agencies are set to reduce debt, the total monthly payments and interest rates. Their main task is to consolidate your debts and monthly bills into one monthly payment, convincing creditors to accept the new terms. These agencies work with creditors to ensure that your monthly payment is required is a drop of nearly sixty percent. consolidation agencies will evaluate your current debt and financial situation and develop an appropriate plan. Obviously, You May be paying a small fee for the services agencies provide. You May also be required to sign a statement or a letter confirming your identity, your total debt amount, the names of your creditors and your intention to pay the debt incurred.

debt consolidation agency and consumer advisory services to try to help you through your financial situation, and are only interested in making money. They will also help repair your credit through various credit repair services, includingelimination of the negative results on your credit report due to late payments of loans . It can support your credit ability to work with creditors in order to show you what the Bill paying customers.

All you need do is contact the agency or debt consolidation consumer counseling organization to improve your financial situation and financial future, to settle the debt and repairing your credit.

Conquer Your Hardships With A Smile, Take Secured Consolidation Loan

consolidation secured loan is designed to give organized form of a few of your debts. This becomes a very miserable life to keep the peace, when faced with a number of creditors at the door every day. Secured loan consolidation brings complete relief from the torture of dealing with the attacks of creditors each month.

For many people it is hard to keep control of the borrowing habits. Because of their spend thrift nature, they become easy prey to lenders who are keen eye on such people. Those efforts are melted with high demand and tempting offers crafty lenders and end up getting their various loan schemes. At a time when they realize their fault, it gets too late and they are surrounded by ocean of debts and creditors. This leads to great anxiety and financial stress. secured loan consolidation can turn as a blessing in disguise for such persons when there is no escape.

consolidation secured loan requires collateral that could be your home, vehicle, precious gems, etc. You can place it as collateral with the lender. In return, the lender gives you low interest rates, low monthly fee and allots a long repayment period, usually between 5-25 years. You can get a large amount to consolidate your debts. risk factor in the secured loan consolidation gives up the property if the lender does not make his payments on time.

secured loan consolidation eliminates all your previous creditors, you have to deal with only one lender every month. However, this does not imply its debts have been eliminated, they are redirected because of ease. You can successfully find a reasonable lender if you are surfing the financial websites.

Quick And Easy Debt Consolidation-Consolidation Counseling Credit Debt Kimberlyorg

consolidation counseling credit debt Kimberlyorg:

debt consolidation. What is debt consolidation? We hear about it all the time and every day, but few of us actually know what it is. Debt consolidation is when all your debts are rolled together. For example, if you owe $ 30,000 on your house payment, $ 20,000 to Best Buy and another $ 10,000 in the bank, and will unite the two, so you know owes $ 60,000 in one place.

However, with debt consolidation often reduce debt, and you can often reduce the debt you owe for the lower amount, something is bound to help you breathe a sigh of relief.

debt consolidation is a breath of fresh air for many individuals in need of something, anything to keep them above water. The process of debt consolidation will no doubt help with this. People who go through the debt consolidation process know how debt consolidation help.

no longer have to go on thousands of different places to collect your debt. Now you can simply go to one place and will no longer have to keep track of all those odds and ends into account. This will help you not to be late on payments, because you can not remember where you were supposed to pay $ 20 and where you should pay $ 100.

debt consolidation is an excellent way to consolidate and hopefully reduce, debt. If you're struggling and can barely keep my head above water, and then check the debt consolidation. It is simply the best way to go. Debt Consolidation Credit Counseling Kimberlyorg:

Cheap Fast Debt Consolidation Loan!

How to make your financial life be, if they make a single payment at the place of numerous loans? You do not have avoided much of its creditors to avoid his calls or threatening calls do not have to miss out on your loan payments. Cheap fast debt consolidation brings you the well deserved solace and replaces all your multiple monthly bills with a single cheap debt consolidation bill. The main goal of fast debt management services, such as the best consolidation loans or direct debt free advice is to clear a substantial portion of their debts within a span of 5 years.
cheap debt consolidation loan is a quick consolidation loan procured at a lower interest rate for the benefit of both debtor and creditor. creditor agrees to debt
consolidation loan because it is safe to recouping at least part of his debts, if not the entire amount on the other hand, the borrower gets a chance to go back with less EMI.
Fast Debt Management Services include debt consolidation loan cheap, direct debt free advice and debt relief services. When you sign up for a quick cheap debt consolidation loan?

-When you're tired of a number of repaying debt payments and want to go back into one payment
-is unable to meet the high interest loans
Lock in a fixed interest rate rather than variable interest rates
-Reduce your monthly budget to pay debt
-Pay off existing debt and get free with a debt consolidation loan best!
Consider the main goal of a cheap debt consolidation loan with direct debt free advice:
First, such a quick cheap debt consolidation will offer financial aid and comforted those who were borrowers struggling with debt problems and are looking for ways to free high-interest debt.
Second, cheap debt consolidation loan quickly is offered at low rates and is approved quickly. A creditor can not reach the loan amount from the defaulters and do not pay, which would otherwise be difficult.
Also be aware that the best debt consolidation loan is not a panacea for all of your debt problems. It can do away with a substantial amount of debt and if you follow
budget properly, you can clear the maximum amount of their debts. Should understand the importance of debt consolidation loan before opting for a cheap and quick to choose a debt consolidation loan lender carefully, that not only offers a loan for you, but also takes you to a free and good advice that is offered to you directly.

Get your cheap debt consolidation loan information:
Get your cheap debt consolidation loan information:...

One Plan For Paying Off Debts

Your goal is to pay your debts down. They can be overwhelming. At my worst point I had 15 lines long, which are loans, credit cards, car loans, store cards, and even the government. I did not even own a house at that time. lender would not talk to me about borrowing any more money, or even consolidate my credit, because my budget was in a state of permanent deficit, unless I have something to solve my situation itself. It is long behind me, a debt is no longer an issue. What I am saying here is that the plan will lay out for you it works.

The first step in a situation like I was in, and You May be that you know where you are. Therefore, you must complete a comprehensive budget spreadsheet and net worth balance spreadsheet. Write down how much you owe and how much you pay each month to service each of your debts. Then break your debts into 2 groups. First, list them from highest interest rate to lowest. Then list them izonaj that costs the most money for services every month to the lowest. Now, you have to study this situation for a while and make a budget forecast for the months ahead. You have to understand how all the services these debts and pay them down, bit by bit, so you have some room to manipulate the situation and to draw cash on them going forward. Also you need to stay on a budget and not pay the new debt.

The first step in a situation like I was in, and You May be that you know where you are. Therefore, you must complete a comprehensive budget spreadsheet and net worth balance spreadsheet. Write down how much you owe and how much you pay each month to service each of your debts. Then break your debts into 2 groups. First, list them from highest interest rate to lowest. Then list them izonaj that costs the most money for services every month to the lowest. Now, you have to study this situation for a while and make a budget forecast for the months ahead. You have to understand how all the services these debts and pay them down, bit by bit, so you have some room to manipulate the situation and to draw cash on them going forward. Also you need to stay on a budget and not pay the new debt.


You can also focus on paying off debts to those who have a higher monthly payment service, such as those that require a 5% balance to be paid each month in comparison to those that require only 3%. the second scenario, which improves cash flow to pay off loans with fixed payments. For example, if you're in the last year of five years credit, You May want to pay it off ASAP rid of paying $ 250 a month on $ 2,500 balance. Using a loan that you made ​​available to other credit instruments, You May be able to pay off the loan that gives you an additional $ 250 a month to focus on paying off high interest debts faster. Or you can start saving all or part of that $ 250 a month.

In any case, you start feeling better. You will have less debt and debt that you will be less expensive. If you choose to save your creditors look better, because you have money for a rainy day and you're improving your cash flow with interest income. One thing that puts it all in perspective is that bankruptcy is about cash flow. You are in bankruptcy when your incoming cash does not pay all the bills. You can create incoming cash from the sale of property and destruction of the balance sheet, but you will still be going into bankruptcy if it does not solve the problem of cash flow. This solves the addressing consumption and debt.

Basic Ideas On Getting Credit Card Consolidation

Here are basic tips on getting valuable consolidation credit card:

- Most credit card consolidation companies are also obliged to offer advice to their clients. So, if the broker deals with you does not mention allotting credit counselor, you should remind them. credit counselor may be an important contribution to the cleaning of its fiscal mess.

- you can refinance your credit card consolidation yourself if you have enough equity in your house to cover its debts. This is one of the most effective alternative for borrowers because the interest rate is low.

- Beware of running their credit card, after the refinance. Make sure you cut up your cards and get rid of them. Keep your oldest credit history attached to it, and do not use it. If you do not have enough equity, then you can take another consolidation loan to consolidate your debts card. It's not as good as the refinance, but the alternative is not possible if you refinance. rate will be higher, but should still be low enough to save you some money and get your debts under control.

- You can also take out credit lines to consolidate your debts. The only real difference between this and other credit card consolidation is that it works like a credit card. Plus it tends to have an adjustable rate that can travel up and down a little more time. It is possible to use alternatives to consolidate your debts.

- if you have a lot of credit card debt, then it affects your credit score in a negative way. One thing that credit card providers can not tell you is that if you carry a balance on their cards and it is over 25 percent of your credit limit, then you are punished for your credit rating, even if you make your payments on time. So, if you consolidate debts including credit cards with high status, then do yourself a favor and help your credit. You can not only consolidate credit card, but if you have a car or personal loan, when you consolidate them and pay you will improve your credit rating. Lenders like to see that you paid off your car or personal loan. It helps you improve your credit score quite a bit.

- If you have debt that you are considering to consolidate, then the key is that you must stop using credit cards, and get rid of them. If you consolidate your debts, and then run your credit card back to its limits which do nothing to help themselves. You'll end up in a worsened situation.


- Most companies that offer credit card consolidation should not require any collateral against them, they look at you and what your credit history and work say about you. If you are making regular payments on all your creditors and if you have a solid work history of these elements can work in your favor, it shows that you, as an individual, are a good risk.


I hope that these few handy tips will help you in getting valuable consolidation credit card.

Spotting Debt Consolidation Risks and Rewards

debt consolidation allows you to choose from several options to pay off debt. efficient debt consolidation loan will save you money and provide a quick solution to their financial problems.

The amount of savings will be achieved on debt consolidation depends on the type of loan you decide to combine their debts. When consolidating debts, you can generate savings from two areas:

    low interest rates on consolidation loans

    reduced monthly payments to the consolidated debt

loans carry an interest rate lower than the rates charged by your creditors. In addition, by combining all debts into one big loan, you make only one payment each month instead of numerous payments on all your credit card.

Debt consolidation methods used were secured loan or unsecured loan. Secured require the use of collateral, while unsecured loans require no collateral but carry higher interest rates. Both secured and unsecured debt consolidation loans offer several risks and rewards.

Risks of Debt Consolidation

Unsecured loans help you pay off the balance without collateral. However, you'll probably pay a higher interest rate. Before obtaining a loan, you should make sure the lender offers the lowest rates available, as May require you to shop around for a reputable financial lender.

Secured loans can lead to a risk when used to consolidate debt. Although these consolidation loans carry lower interest rates than unsecured loans, you can lose the collateral by default. Secured loans such as home equity loans or car title loans provide a sum of money backed by the borrower's property. If the borrower fails to make proper payments, the lender can sell the asset to compensate for the lost funds.

Awards debt consolidation loans

Debt consolidation loans provide you with a simple and affordable way to eliminate debt. You can save money by making just one monthly payment on the loan at a lower interest rate. Juggling multiple debts can be a hassle for most consumers, but with debt consolidation, debts become more manageable.

Debt Consolidation Non Profit

Debt Consolidation Non Profit
Many consumers are now coming to terms with the changing economy. They used to earn at least enough are suddenly facing a job lay-offs, lower wages and higher living costs. In recent years, plastic money and easy credit, consumers are eager to spend money on goods and services via credit card. reality that is now the credit card debt. It has become so harrowing for some to realize that their credit card debt is so high that they could spend their lives trying to pay that off. It is because of situations like this that many free nonprofit debt consolidation companies are now offering their services to people faced with mounting debts they can no longer cope. And these companies are able to help with practical solutions for dealing with these debts, free.

debt consolidation is a practical solution for dealing with debts. In the past, we pay the bills off various credit cards, medical bills, student loans and mortgages a month, with different amounts, dates and resources. When they become too much, it was not only difficult to keep track of these accounts, but they also became too difficult to deal with. We can no longer afford the monthly payments on them, because they are just too many. Free nonprofit debt consolidation companies offer a way out of this mess, helping to combine all of these debts to negotiate reduced monthly payments for a period of time to get the consumer debt-free. This is done by negotiating the interest rates, lower fees and longer terms.

These companies have toll free numbers to call and credit counselors can offer advice, depending on one's specific financial situation. They try to get your financial picture, and careful analysis, we arrive at a realistic amount you can afford to pay off all loans. Most of the time, the new loan is not required to pay off debts as there are many lenders willing to participate in debt consolidation programs in order to collect on bad debts. Many benefits are derived from debt consolidation, including lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, fees, and reduced fixed terms. And when the loan consolidation program is in place, collection calls, which have become a nightmare, it will stop.

If you are experiencing collection calls on debts you can no longer cope with, then maybe it is time to consider debt consolidation. Free nonprofit debt consolidation companies offer advice, even if you are not committed to their programs, and many of them are 501 companies that are collected free of charge. Learn more about the free non profit debt consolidation is available in your area. And remember, when you commit yourself to debt consolidation to get out of debt, make this decision and in no time, become debt free will give you the reality. It's never too early to start, and the more it is delayed, the more debt you will likely accumulate. What else you have gone to lose? Do not want to be debt free in the next few years, maybe?

To learn more about how to get started, visit

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Using a Consolidation Loan to Better Your Credit

consolidation loan is a way to pay off all your debts and roll them into one payment. With loan consolidation is the right person satisfying their claims and start a new account on their credit. It can be a very good choice for someone who is buried in debt and having problems. Loan consolidation can save one form falling into the trap of bad credit.

consolidation loan is specifically for the purpose of consolidating debts. What happens is people figure out the total amount of their debt, receives loan consolidation, pay off your debts, and then there is only one loan payment to make each month. It seems simple, but there are some considerations to make when getting a debt consolidation loan.

If a person begins to have credit problems because of debt they May find it difficult to get a loan consolidation. May they end up having only offers high interest loans. It is important for a person to consider their options. One of the biggest things you have to decide if they need a smaller monthly payment, or if you want to pay less overall.

If a person has financial problems now and then a smaller monthly payment is probably the best choice. In this case the consolidation loan is perfect, because the consolidation loan will probably cost less then a month to pay each debt separately.

If a person did not have financial problems and is concerned about the amount you will end up paying total and then a consolidation loan will probably not be the best bet if they can get a good interest rate. This is because the consolidation loan would probably carry more interest charges, then each debt separately.

Also questions about the type of debt. Credit cards carry very high interest rates, so that consolidation loan for credit card debt is not perfect. Loan consolidation will save the person a lot of money in interest charges. Other debts, however, can have such a lower interest rate, then loan consolidation, so it's really something to consider before getting a loan.

consolidation loan is something that should be considered carefully. It is important that the person who decides if you are gong to consolidate all the debt or not. They must also look at how a consolidation loan will affect them financially. Taking out a loan consolidation can be a great thing if people can afford and makes sense for your situation. However, if a person jumps into the consolidation loan without planning May they end up in more financial trouble then they were before the loan.

Loan consolidation can be a life saver if used properly. This is really a matter of understanding how credit works and if it is a good choice for a particular situation. Loan Consolidation May just be the answer to their financial problems, or it could be a bad choice. Only you can decide for sure.